Thursday, January 15, 2009

Yuca Con Mojo (Boiled Cassava Root with Garlic Citrus Sauce)

I am posting this recipe for Nuria from Spanish recipes, she told me she enjoyed having Yuca when she visited Cuba years ago but doesn't remember what she exactly had. My guess is she either had "Yuca Con Mojo"(boiled Cassava root in Garlic citrus sauce) or "Yuca Frita" (boiled then fried Cassava root) maybe served with "Chicharrones" (meaty fried pork rinds) or "Masitas de Puerco" (fried pork chunks)

Not sure what she had but I am posting the boiled Cassava with garlic citrus sauce and then later with the leftovers of this I'm posting "Yuca Frita" (fried cassava) I actually made this yesterday but didn't get to making Yuca Frita (I cooked other stuff so I guess I'll make it tomorrow)

I was really thinking about posting this or not because it is a super simple humble dish that is loved but is really easy since I've posted the recipe for the sauce which is the only thing you really need to know how to make, but I'm sure some will appreciate having a little explanation and pictorial for this :)

So without further delay this is how my grandmother taught me to make "Yuca Con Mojo"

Main Ingredients:
-2-4 lbs. Yuca (Cassava root) you can buy fresh or frozen, frozen gaurantee's you good looking Yuca, but I like fresh, but if you are lucky enough to live in a Cuban area with Cuban stores you may be able to find already cooked "canned Yuca" by the brand "Badia"
-water (enough to cover Yuca maybe 1 1/2 inches)
-salt (salt the water and taste it until you think it's right)

For the sauce:
-Mojo de Ajo (click on it and see the pictorial I posted in my blog previously on how to make it)
(1)Again I used fresh Yuca, so I had to cut it into large rounds, peel it with a knife, cut it in half, wash it, and then add it to salted water to boil. If you have frozen Yuca just dump it in the salted water and bring to a boil on high boil it until tender about 20-30 minutes on medium heat. To check for doness stab it with a fork.

(2)You don't want to cut your Yuca in small pieces just long big chunks (because you can cut the leftovers into big long strips to fry them if you have leftovers)

(3)Now while the Yuca is cooking prepare "Mojo de Ajo"

(4)After Yuca is cooked drain and spoon over Mojo sauce, that's all it takes serve hot as a side.

(5)If you are not serving this immediately leave the Yuca in the pot of water or else it will cool quicly and turn hard, but if serving soon just drain it, put it in a nice dish, spoon over a little mojo, bring it to the table and let everyone grab some and have more mojo on the side for those that want to add more to theirs.


This goes very well with Congri or Moros or even a non-traditional "Congri Con Coco", a salads (our favorite is "Ensalada de Aguacate" or a salad dressed like this "Simple Salad", and any Cuban meat dish. Fried plantains or tostones on the side wouldn't hurt but would be a little excessive.


FOODalogue said...

Nathan - you said you'd be posting less in '09. It looks to me like you've revved up instead, but that's o.k. with me. Yuca con mojo es sabroso!

Anonymous said...

Nathan: Many Cubans also add a few sprigs of cilantro (culantro) to the mojo sauce (after the oil is poured on). Also, in the Cuban countryside heated lard was sometimes used instead of olive oil.

Have you ever made 'chilindron de chivo o de carnero'? It goes really well with 'moros y cristianos'... and the boiled cassava... and 'platones pintones'
or 'platanos burros,' and avocado salad. (great heavy meal for steamy summer lunches back in Cuba!).

Nathan said...

Joan Nova,
I guess I haven't lost my "Mojo" lol. I've been happier than other day's I think that's why I have the energy and made time :)

How does a Mojo with lard taste? Porky maybe? The only time I have Mojo with lard is when I make a medium leg of Lechon and all the fat from the leg mixes with the Mojo used to marinade it, mmmmmmm it's so good spooned over the lechon when served.

Oh yeah I've made Chilindron de Chivo o Carnero I posted it in my blog for you because you asked me a long time ago if I had a recipe:

Talking about Platanos Burros I have a bunch right now (they are teh short fat looking plantains right?) maybe I'll steam some and have them with Mojo I also have a huge bag of tiny Malangas.

You know what's funny, Cuba being an Island with warm weather and our cuisine is usually very heavy hot steamy food that is comforting in cold weather to ha ha.

Núria said...

Ai Nathan... Muchas gracias!!!! YOu are soooo sweet :D

I'm cooking Yuca for sure soon! Thanks a million! You are really kind mentioning my blog there, I appreciate it!

I think that the one I had was a puree... didn't mention that before, but now, seeing your pictures I noticed it didn't have this look.

I'm rushing to your newest Yuca's post!

What is so normal and daily to you might be so exotic to others... Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Nathan--

Thanks for posting this recipe! I love yuca but have never had the courage to try making it at home-- I wouldn't have the first idea what to do! Well, now I do, since your post :) I hope to try this sometime soon! I need all the mojo I can get, LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

Nathan: Sorry for repeating'll find if happens more and more often after you pass your 30s (enjoy your youth!!!). Yeah the lardy mojo is not my choice except for 'pan con lechon (unfortunately a lot of Cuban joints in California don't make real 'pan con lechon' but instead make 'pan con pernil de lechon' which is not quite the real juicy deal, as leg of pork is often overcooked and tends to be too dry.
Well, heavy, big, hot lunches are also popular during the summer in Portugal, Spain, France, and Italy. The idea is to cool off with hot dishes and then kick back with a restful siesta (the siesta does not always entail sleeping but rather resting, reading, or other fun activities during the afternoon--a wonderful practice which is being lost througout the Latin world, both in Europe and the Americas). The Romans, the original Latins, left us a great legacy. We need to save it from our duller surroundings. Ciao!

Nathan said...

Enjoy :)

Karen Brown Letarte,
I can never get enogh mojo sometimes I make a lot of it so I can spoon extra over my food I love it on my white rice! Hehe although it gives you garlic breath so best reserved for late dinners when you won't be going out haha. I ate some before going out at night and then I had to brush my teeth 5 times, take tic tacs, then chew gum on my way out.

It's fine even at my young age I forget stuff or lose things. Hehe I like to siesta all day haha. I'm still perfecting my pierna de puerco I tend to dry it out, I don't have any fancy kitchen equipment or thermometer for it, I'm still learning when I get it right I will post it (I know how to season it and all but when it comes to cooking it I mess up, it comes out good just not super moist and melting like I want it, I use a really fatty leg of pork so it's almost impossible to dry it out badly)

Anonymous said...

Nathan-- LOL! I love garlic so always have to make sure my boyfriend has some too ;) Chimichurri is the thing with garlic that seems to stay with me the longest, but I just love it (especially on my rice!), so it's worth having dragon breath for. (Those Listerine srips work pretty well! to combat the garlic!)

Hilda said...

Esta receta de yuca con mojo la tomamos en mi casa desde que era niña, me gusta mucho y cuando se consigue buena yuca, mi cocina es una fiesta.
Lo que nunca le puse al mojo es orégano, simplemente le pongo aceite, ajo y zumo de lima o limón.
Muchos besos

Nathan said...

Si la Yuca Con Mojo es uno desos platillos muy apreciados por los Cubanos o les que tienen un poco de coltura cubana. :) Es fiesta en mi casa tambien no ay nadie que la rechase.

Mitch said...

I just came across your blog and made this recipe. Thank you so much, it is delicious! Excited to make this again and try some of your other recipes.