Friday, July 18, 2008

Peanut Butter Banana Sandwich

This is one of my favorite sandwiches, it is the sandwich I consume most and usually on a daily and weekly basis. It is filling, healthy, and nutritious. It can be eaten for breakfast, brunch, lunch, or late nigh indulgence .

I remember I would pack these for school on a daily basis, that's how much I loved it. People always looked at me wierd for eating for consuming everyday that sandwich, gosh some teacher even questioned me about it... she asked me what I had in the fridge besides that... geez BACK OFF I LIKE IT OKAY! I obviously have alot considering that I cook often...

Anyways another reason I made it is because I rather eat anything than the GARBAGE SERVED AT SCHOOL HERE IN CALIFORNIA THAT SOME KIDS ACTUALLY LIKE! BARF TASTIC.

Sometimes I would take different kinds of sandwiches though and foods though but thats a different story.

I consider it to be a truely "American Food" (meaning from USA) so I will label it as so. It's probably one of my favorite things from American cuisine (whatever that means)...

-2 slices of any type of American Sandwich Bread (I use 100% Whole Wheat Bread, Kirkland)
-4 tablespoons more or less of peanut butter of any brand (popular brands here are Jiff and Skippy. I use Kirklands Organic Peanut Butter made only with dry roasted peanuts and salt)
-1 regular banana

(1)Toast bread in a toaster.
(2)Spread peanut on both slices as much or as little as you want
(3)On one place small pieces of banana all over.
(4)Close sandwich, cut diagnally if desired
(5)Serve with a tall glass of milk, or with nothing.
-If one doesn't have banana it is delicous with strawberry, grape, raspberry, and blueberry jam or preserves. (It is very popular to consume with strawberry jam, Smuckers brand. And using white bread but I like this recipe best)
-You can enjoy it with only honey and peanut butter to or drizzle honey on the banana prior to closing.


  1. Este tipo de sandwich lo tomaban mis compañeros de clase en N.Y. cuando viví allí en mi adolescencia. Yo llevaba bocadillos de tortilla y ellos tomaban peanut butter and mermelade sandwiches.
    Sinceramente, me gusta más la tortilla,je,je.

  2. This is one of my favorite sandwiches too, usually I have it for breakfast or a snack. Have you tried it with some raisins? Thats my favorite way. And a little honey drizzled on top is nice but not necessary. I do this with a whole grain english muffin or half a bagel and make an open face sandwich-yum!

  3. pilar - lechuza-
    La tortilla es una de mis favortias cosas porque es buena tambien pa' qualquir hora del dia. Pero sabias que aqui y en siertas partes de Latino America "Tortilla" es una clase de cosa echa de harina o de maiz que es bien delgada y redonda que se usa como que fuera pan.

    Mi abuela me conto que quando los embitaron a comer una ves una señora le dijo "Voy acer bastantes tortillas ricas" y mi abuelo contento llego con estomago basio, luego pregunto, "Y la tortilla" y le salen con esa tortilla redonda y delgada, casi le daba un attake de corozon jaja.

    I havent tried it with raisins yet, I'll give it a try next time I eat it.

  4. Hi I really enjoy your blog and learning to cook new things. I especially like the cornmeal recipes, as I am gluten sensitive and can't eat white flour.
    ANYway---You really MUST try the peanut butter and banana sandwich with hot sauce. It is nothing without hot sauce. I use Tabasco, but I'm sure any brand will do. I put it on the peanut butter side before I place the banana slices on. I use quite a lot too. Try it, you'll never want one plain again.

  5. Harmonious1,
    I will try it, I have "Tapatio" sauce which is similar I guess. WIll do :) let you know what it taste like when I try it.

  6. nathan me pudieras decir la receta del potato salad a la forma americana, pues en Cuba lo haciamos de otra manera como ensalada fria, gracias Beatriz

  7. Hola Beatriz,
    No tengo una receta de la ensalada de papa al estilo americano :-/ tengo una Cubana que queda requisima/ mas tipo espanol que es hecho con un alioli y lleva aceituna. Mi mama ase un aderezo mas "americano" que sabe similar a las ensaladas de la tienda "Costco" que tienen aqui en el Sur de California. Si me dices to email te puedo mandar esa receta escrita :)
